Arifoglu Lavender Oil 100 ml

Arifoglu Lavender Oil 100 ml
Lavender oil is extracted from the flowers of the lavender plant, mostly by steam distillation. Lavender flowers are highly fragrant and beautiful. For this reason, traditionally lavender essential oil is used to make perfumes.
Arifoğlu Lavender Oil 100 ml
Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia Miller)
It is a fragrant plant with purple, blue or red flowers that make up the Lavandula genus from the Lamiaceae family. It is grown as an ornamental plant in the Mediterranean region in our country.
It is an essential oil obtained from the lavender plant by steam distillation. It is widely used in aromatherapy and cosmetics.
It is grown as an ornamental plant in Mediterranean Region countries and Turkey (Istanbul). This species is a shrub-like plant with a height of up to 100 cm. Its leaves are silvery and its flowers are dark purple. It has a strong special smell and bitter taste.
It is obtained from lavender flowers by steam distillation method.
Lavender Oil - Lavender Oil (Lavandula angustifolia Miller Oleum)
Origin: Turkey
Lavender oil is extracted from the flowers of the lavender plant, mostly by steam distillation. Lavender flowers are highly fragrant and beautiful. For this reason, traditionally lavender essential oil is used to make perfumes. Its oil is very useful in aromatherapy. Many aromatic blends and combinations are made using lavender oil.
You can enjoy this beloved aroma by adding a few drops of oil to lotions, shampoos and skin care products.
You can try a spa-like relaxation method by combining 1 cup of Epsom salt and 4 drops of oil, then combining it with a hot bath.
You can prepare a simple homemade massage mix with coconut oil, sugar, and lavender essential oil.
You can massage the shoulders, neck and back using lavender oil.
You can drip a few drops of lavender oil on your pillow or add it to water and use it as a spray.
Topical: Apply 2-4 drops of oil directly to desired area. No dilution is necessary except for the most sensitive skin. Use as needed.
WARNINGS : Store in a closed place, out of light, at room temperature.