Pure Rose Water 100 Ml

Pure Rose Water 100 Ml
It is a firming and purifying facial tonic. Rose&Cure Pure Rose Water is produced from organic roses grown in Isparta.
Distilled by wood fire in traditional copper alembics. It is the 1st distillation. Rose oil is not separated. It does not contain any additives and preservatives. It is 100% natural rose water. It is antiseptic. It is purifying. It is astringent.
It maintains the pH balance of the skin. Apply morning and evening to clean skin.
Can be used with cotton to remove light makeup. When used as a moisturizer, it should be sprayed onto the skin and left on until the skin absorbs. It should be stored in the refrigerator.
Does not contain Paraben-SLS-Perfume-Alcohol-Dye. It has been dermatologically tested.