Redist Argan Oil 100 ml

Redist Argan Oil 100 ml
• Helps to nourish the hair, scalp and hair follicles, giving the hair a silky and shiny appearance.
• It contributes to the well-groomed and lively hair by repairing the damaged hair.
• Known as the "liquid gold of Morocco", Argan Oil obtained from the nut of the argan tree fruit can also be seen as an elixir of youth thanks to Omega 9, Omega 6, Sterols, Feluric acid, vitamin E and strong antioxidants.
• Argan Oil, which strengthens the natural protection mechanism of the hair, provides an effective protection against the effects of environmental factors and stress that damage the hair.
• It gives volume to your hair.
• Strengthens and nourishes the hair.
• It helps the knots in the hair to be opened easily.
• Your hair looks shiny and well-groomed.
• It controls the electrified and frizzy hair.
• Increases the flexibility of the hair fiber.