Akzer Crack Oil 150 ml

Akzer Crack Oil 150 ml
INGREDIENTS : helianthus annuus (sunflower) sunflower, oleumcentaurium (centaury oil) centaury oil, oleummarausicano (orange oil) orange oil, cacao durum illiquidus (solid cocoa) solid cocoa, oleum dulceamygdalinas (sweet almond oil) sweet almond oil, oleumcarota (carrot oil) carrot oil, oleumtriticumgerminis (wheat germ oil) wheat oil, aroma, persicumoleum (apricot kernel oil) apricot kernel oil, oleumcorylusavellana (hazelnut oil), amygdalaeamarae (bitter almond oil) bitter almond oil, curcubira semem oleum (pumpkin seed oil) pumpkin seed oil, sesamaeoleum (sesame oil) sesame oil
Ingredients :sunflower, centaury oil, orange oil, solid cocoa, sweet almond oil, carrot oil, wheat germ oil, aroma, apricot kernel oil, hazelnut oil, bitter almond oil, pumpkin seed oil sesame oil
The first thing to do
زيت اللوز الحلو زيت الجزر زيت القمح نكهة زيت بذر المشمش
زيت البندق زيت اللوز المر زيت بذور اليقطين زيت السمسم
How to use : Apply the crack care oil to clean and dry skin in a thin layer with circular movements. For effective results, you can apply it twice a day, morning and evening, to the underarms, chest area, waist area, belly, hips, buttocks and legs.
usage: apply the crack care oil as a thin layer to clean and dry skin with circular movements. For effective results, you can apply it to the arms, chest girth, waist cırcumference, belly, hips, buttocks and legs 2 times a day, in the morning and evening
WARNINGS: Keep in a cool place with its lid closed. Keep out of reach of children. Avoid contact with eyes, in case of contact, rinse with plenty of water. Do not use if you have a known allergy to its contents.
Warnings : keep in a cool place as its cap is closed. keep out of reach of children. avoıd contact with eyes rınse with plenty of water in case of contact. do not use if you have an allergy known to its contents.
تحذيرات يحفظ بشكل مغلق في مكان بارد. يحفظ بعيدا عن متناول الأطفال.
تجنبوا ملامسة العينين في حالة ملامسة المنتج للعين بلد المنشأب فو الميلانين
بالوفير من الماء. That's right.
Country of Origin : Turkey, Made in Turkey, Recycling
Barcode : 8697755840856
Business Registration Number: TR-34- K-021529
WEIGHT: 150 ml
PRECAUTIONS and WARNINGS: The herbs, oils, mixtures etc. recommended for you are not medicines. In Turkey, medicines and prescriptions are arranged by doctors according to the relevant laws, some herbs may have negative effects on your body, it is recommended that you do not apply oral products without consulting your doctor. Pregnant women and breastfeeding women in particular should be very careful in this regard, avoid drinking or using herbal mixtures without consulting your doctor.