Akzer Herbal Massage Oil 150 ml

Akzer Herbal Massage Oil 150 ml
INGREDIENTS : liquid paraffin, sesame oil, serpyllum oleum (thyme oil), thyme oil, nırgum semen oleum (black cumin oil), black cumin oil, toluresinin balsamem (balm of gilead) balsam oil, caphura oleum (camphor) camphor, oleum centaurium (centaury oil) centaury oil, oleum piscis (fish oil) fish oil, salviaros marinum oleum (rosemary oil) rosemary oil, oleum mentapiperita (peppermint oil) peppermint oil, eucalyptus oleum (eucalyptus oil) eucalyptus oil, laurus nobilus laurifolium (bay leaf) bay leaf, juniperus oleum (juniper seed oil) juniper seed oil, sinapıs oleum (mustard oil) mustard oil, aesculus (horse chestnut oil) horse chestnut oil
Ingredients : liquid paraffine, sesame oil, thyme oil, black cumin oil, balm of gilead, camphor, centaury oil, trout oil, rosemary oil, peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil, bay leaf, juniper seed oil, mustard oil, horse chestnut oil.
المحتوياؓ السوداء
زيت البلسم كافيرون زيت القنطريون زيت سمك زيت إكليل الجبل
زيت النعناع زيت الأوكالبتوس ورق الغار زيت بذور العرعر زيت الخردل
زيت كستناء الحصان
How to use : Apply a small amount of product in your palm to the desired area of your body by massaging. It is suitable for use 2-3 times a day.
Usage : take a small amount of product into your palm and apply by massaging on the desidered area of your body. It is suıtable for use 2-3 times a day.
طريقة الاستخدام: 2-3 مرات في 2-3 مرات في اليوم.
WARNINGS: Keep in a cool place with the lid closed. Keep out of reach of children. Avoid contact with eyes. In case of contact, rinse with plenty of water. Do not use if you have a known allergy to any of its ingredients.
Warnings : keep in a cool place as its cap is closed. keep out of reach of children. avoid contact with eyes.rınse with plenty of water in case of contact. do not use if you have an allergy known to its contents.
تحذيرات: يحفظ بشكل مغلق في مكان بارد يحفظ بعيدا عن متناول الأطفال. تجنبوا ملامسة العينين في حالة ملامسة المنتج للعينين ، يجب غسل العينين بالوفير من الماء لا تستخدم المنتج في حالة وجود حساسية لأي من محتوياته
Country of Origin : Turkey, Made in Turkey, Recycling
Barcode : 8697755840870
Business Registration Number: TR-34- K-021529
WEIGHT: 150 ml
PRECAUTIONS and WARNINGS: The herbs, oils, mixtures etc. recommended for you are not medicines. In Turkey, medicines and prescriptions are arranged by doctors according to the relevant laws, some herbs may have negative effects on your body, it is recommended that you do not apply oral products without consulting your doctor. Pregnant women and breastfeeding women in particular should be very careful in this regard, avoid drinking or using herbal mixtures without consulting your doctor.